I don't think it's possible to go to the hills and enjoy what every your hobby is without breaking some obscure regulation made by some obscure government agency.
We the people cannot allow this to continue unabated. With all the regulations and the mounting debt our children will be nothing more than indentured servants. Unable to do anything unless the government approves of it. The forest will be off limits unless you are of the ruling class.
What can we do? Here's a list of some of the things we can do.
- Learn who your representatives are, write them, call them, e-mail them, with you're concerns.
- Get informed and stay informed.
- Joined the clubs or organizations that us the public land.
- When a regulatory agency is having a meeting or taking public input, go to the meeting, given input.
- Support the organizations that are fighting for us, if possible donate time or at least donate money.
- When someone from the goverment stops you becase what your doing is against the law, ask for the specific code they are citing.
For far too long we've sat back and allow ourself to be the whipping child for the environmentalist. We have to join with the other groups that use the Federal lands for there recreation. As long as we stay small fracture groups we don't stand a chance. If we are able to speek with one voice, we might be able to get something done. If you start paying attention to what there doing , I have to warn you - your going to be shocked.
Lets hope I get to go mining next weekend, so you dont have to put up with my rant.
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