After we get a rain or two the rivers start coming up, which pretty much puts a end to the sniping. All we have to do to still find gold, is move up the bank a bit and start crevicing. But the rains open up the beginning of the treasure hunting season.
When heading out with the detector you want to have a little moisture in the soil. There are several reasons for this
1 - the detector will detect a little deeper with moist soil
2 - it is a lot easer to dig
3 - you have a much better chance of not damaging you target when its easer to dig
4 - you don't have to breath all that dust.
In the fall you want to start your prospecting and treasure hunting up in the high country. As the winter sets in the snow will run us down the hill. By January all that will be available to us is the foothills. By starting high you will get to cover a lot more country.
Don't under estimate the foothills for treasure hunting, the old miners were ran out of the high country by the snow also. Thousands wintered in the foothills waiting for the spring thaw when they could return to their diggings.
Check you backpack and charge up the detector - fall is here!