This week I had the opportunity to do a few hours of metal detecting. I only had
3 or 4 hours, so I decided to revisit the old swimming hole. It's only about 2 miles
from my house. Earlier this year I did some detecting out there and didn't do too
bad. I didn't find any gold, but I found some silver. See ( No Gold But Silver 413
15 ) .
The water was a little on the high side, so I wasn't able to detect out in the center
where I wanted to. I had the same problem earlier this year when I was out there.
After about an hour of detecting, Jeff came by. At that point I had only found three
pennies and one silver dime.
With Jeff's help we continued working the same area where I'd found a dime.
After a while he decided to get out my camera and do some filming. After about two
more hours of detecting I was only able to uncover 13 more pennies, no more
silver. We were both constrained by timed, so we had the leave at that point.
After I got home I sat down to work on this blog. I pulled up my pictures from
the last time I was out there. I wanted to see if things had changed. That's when I
discovered why I didn't do so well this time. Looking at the pictures from earlier
this year, I discovered I was digging in exactly the same spot as earlier this year.
When I was out there earlier this year, I was finding a lot more silver, so I didn't
spend much time recovering penny targets. The water was coming up, so I didn't
have much time. I decided to skip the pennies so I could concentrate on the silver.
This time I wasn't finding any silver, So I was digging the pennies. The one thing I
was pleased with, I had only missed one dime last time out.
I really need to practice what I preach. If I'd done my research and checked my
notes from earlier this year, I would have seen that I had already worked that area.
And all this time I thought, with age comes wisdom.