But, I also have some good news. With all the rain and the snow, the rivers have been running very high. This coming mining season should be a very good one. With all the runoff there is going to be a lot of movement within the riverbed. This will expose a lot of new areas to prospect and should bring some new gold into the river.
With all the snow building up in the Sierras, this season may get off to a late start. But with the prospect of a nice clean river bed and new gold, I'm willing to wait.
I have been able to shoot a couple of new videos on cleaning up black sand concentrates and hopefully I should get those finished and posted pretty soon. If it will quit raining long enough, I'm going to try to get out and shoot a video on prospecting when the water is high.
Well, my break time is over, I have to get back to work on the house.